ParkZone Extra 300 BNF brings advanced flying to the park
September 13, 2010

Photo by Greg Covey (all images)
Product: The ParkZone Extra 300 BNF comes with everything you need to fly except for the DSM2 transmitter. There is very little assembly required; no gluing, no painting. Just attach the wing and tail, charge the included battery, then bind the receiver to your full-range DSM2 aircraft transmitter and you’re ready to fly!
The Extra 300 is based on a general aviation airplane having extreme aerobatic capability that introduces park flyers to a truly aerobatic airplane with the capability to perform all the maneuvers commonly associated with larger-sized R/C airplanes.
Durable and lightweight Z-Foam construction greatly resists dings and scratches. The package also includes a Spektrum AR500 receiver, and a 3-cell, 2200mAh, LiPo battery with a balancing charger to get you flying in just minutes!
ParkZone's Extra 300 offers a new level of performance for park flyers but can also be flown with only intermediate pilot skills.
Performance: The 15-size brushless power system in the ParkZone Extra 300 BNF has plenty of oomph for any aerobatic maneuver known to this popular model. It has lots of power for almost unlimited vertical climbs, larger control surfaces for wild aerobatics and a brilliant color scheme that makes it very easy to see in the sky.
Since little assembly was required, I was off to my local schoolyard after binding my Spektrum DX6i transmitter and charging the flight battery for 20 minutes. After checking the control surfaces and adding 30% exponential to the elevator and rudder, I was airborne with just an easy underhand toss. The flight speed can go from slow to very fast and the Extra 300 was quite easy to control right out of the box. After the first flight, I increased the elevator throw from the factory minimum settings which made the Extra 300 more maneuverable and fun to fly. Light to medium winds did not seem to affect the performance as it has plenty of agility and power. Flight times were around 10 minutes with mixed aerobatics.
I tested the steerable tailwheel on a basketball half-court adjacent to the schoolyard and had no problems circling or doing figure eights on the pavement. I took off of the pavement in about 15 feet, but did not feel I had sufficient area to land on it. Landing on grass was not an issue, because the Extra 300 can slow up nicely. After several flights, I still didn’t have a scratch on it, so the Z-Foam construction is indeed durable!
I was impressed with the overall design and technology that went into the ParkZone Extra 300 BNF. Designed by IMAC competitor, Mike McConville, the Extra 300 power system is capable of performing virtually any precision aerobatic maneuver. The 4-channel “full house” control with dual aileron servos allows advanced pilots to perform more axial rolls, snap rolls, positive- and negative-G maneuvers and flat turns, with virtually no roll or pitch coupling.
Marketing: ParkZone makes park flying simple by providing everything you need in one box. While the box itself is very eye-catching, the product inside requires no gluing or painting, and can be ready to fly in the time it takes to charge the battery.
The Extra 300 is a full-house aerobatic model that can be flown in a schoolyard or soccer field without the hassle of going to a full-size flying field. The durable and lightweight Z-Foam construction makes for easy field repairs using super glue and kicker. Intermediate-level pilots can practice their skills up high or take a relaxing “cruise” around the field. A full range of spare parts are available, if needed, but the model is quite resistant to crash and damage. The Extra 300 offers a great “next step” for park flyers wanting a truly aerobatic airplane.
Some key spares to keep on hand would be ParkZone’s 10.5x9 prop (No. PKZ5101), prop adapter (No. PKZ5102), spinner (No. PKZ5107), and 3-cell 2200mAh 25C LiPo battery (No. PKZ1029).
VITAL STATS Product: Extra 300 BNF Maker: ParkZone Stock No.: PKZ5180 MSRP/MAP: $349.99/$249.99 Availability: Horizon Hobby
BOTTOM LINE BNF convenience; RTF in minutes Excellent flight performance Intermediate-skill friendly